Welcome to the UoM Incubator

Incubators have become a pervasive phenomenon in many parts of the world and are viewed as a tool for promoting the development and growth of technology-based firms. The earlier model of confining innovation sources to a single institutional sphere, product development in industry, and knowledge creation and dissemination in academia no longer applies. In the recent decades there has been a shift from this model due to interaction among these spheres, thus leading to the Triple-Helix model, which is also being adopted by the University of Mauritius.

Innovation is a key driver of economic growth worldwide. One important initiative in successful innovative societies is entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship can be considered as a driving force for economic growth, employment creation, and competitiveness. Accordingly, the University of Mauritius needs to inculcate an entrepreneurial culture and foster creativity initially among staff and students and ultimately within society at large. The Incubator is expected to provide the necessary framework to accompany staff and students to develop their novel ideas that can lead to successful business solutions or startups.

UoM Incubator – ICT and Emerging Technologies (UoMIC-ICET)

In its initial stage the UoMIC shall focus on ICT and Emerging Technologies e.g. Biotechnology and Nanotechnology, to later move into other sectors of national interest.

The UoMIC-ICET will consist of three clusters namely the Pre-incubation, Incubation and Post-Incubation. Incubatees may join any of the clusters provided they meet the prerequisites (PR). The PR for incubation is a valid proof of concept, while the PR for Post-incubation is a commercially viable product/solution. Incubatees with project ideas will be encouraged to join the Pre-incubation. Moreover, incubatees may wish to focus on only one cluster thus achieving its expected outcome, or progress from one cluster to the other in order to have a more comprehensive development of their technologies/product. Incubates may also include UoM as business partner for post-incubation.

Maintained by CITS