About the UoMIC

The proposed UoMIC will be involved in the overall activities required to support potential entrepreneurs in formulating business ideas, business model and business plans, to boost the chances in developing an effective start‐up. It will actually entail a first assessment of the idea, training, and direct assistance (may be one‐to‐one) necessary to put a prospective entrepreneur in the conditions to write and implement a comprehensive business plan.

The incubator is expected to provide targeted resources and services to early-stage ideas of students and academic staff members. It will play the important role of accompanying them in their journey of ultimately creating a successful startup.

The main aim of the incubator will be to make prospective start-ups “ready-to-go” meaning that they should be prepared for the next development step such as first funding, commercialization, deployment, etc. It will work towards increasing the “innovation readiness level” of a project.

Projects in the incubator should provide proof of concept through the verification of a viable business solution using cutting-edge technologies, innovation, customer-focus, team dynamics, IPR, funding and market opportunity.

The incubator shall provide the necessary support in view of successfully accompanying the teams/projects into their journey of startup creation, by providing: 

  • Business coaching: Assignment of a dedicated mentor/coach to a project in view of supporting a startup through its journey followed up by regular meetings.
  • Structured process: Provision of structure and guidance coupled with clear goals and policies to ensure that the projects are undertaken using the best technologies.
  • Community and office space: Provision of free office space access. Team members can form part of supportive communities along with other entrepreneurs and have regular networking events in order to foster knowledge sharing.
  • Workshops and training: Hosting of regular workshops and training on relevant topics.
  • High-end technology support: Provide the teams and projects with cutting edge technology support.
  • Legal advice: Provide legal advice relevant for the setting up and operations of startups.


To be recognised as a leading University-based Incubator at the service of the Mauritian economy.


To provide a robust and state of the art structure and framework to University of Mauritius staff and students and the public at large for the generation and development of innovative ideas leading to successful creation of startups.