- Hits: 330
How the conference will take place?
- There will be a call for abstracts.
- Scientific committee will evaluate suitability of each submitted abstract.
- For each accepted abstract, author/s will be invited to submit the e-presentation in MS Word, MS Powerpoint, PDF or any other relevant format. Some examples are:
(1) PDF format (10 pages)
(2) Powerpoint format (10 slides)
(3) Video (10 minutes) - E-presentations will be displayed on the website (secured).
- Registered participants will be able to download all the e-presentations.
- Participants can ask questions by sending email/s to the corresponding author for each e-presentation.
- When a participant sends an email, the same email is received by all the registered participants. However, it is the responsibility of the corresponding author to reply to the question/s being asked within 24 hours. When the corresponding author responds by replying the email, the same is received by all the participants.
- Full paper (optional) will be reviewed and accepted papers will be collected in the conference proceedings.