
Analysis and synthesis report

protectplantThis report analyses the findings of research conducted at the UoM under Phase I of  the MID research project. Its objectives have been the following....More>>>

Background paper Launching of the consultation process for the development of the national policy for maurice ile durable

As you may be aware, Maurice Ile Durable (MID) was first announced by Dr the Hon. Navinchandra Ramgoolam, GCSK, Prime Minister of the Republic of Mauritius, as a long term vision aimed at promoting sustainable development.  The main thrust of Mauritius Ile Durable is to make Mauritius a world model of sustainable development, particularly in the context of small-island states....More>>>

UoM Students inputs for the last consultation

Inputs that were collected from the students of the University of Mauritius during the National Consultation session on MID held on Monday 22 February 2010 at the Paul Octave Wiehe Auditorium:....More>>>

The myth about MID

This paper is a summary of the Maurice Ile Durable (MID) experience to date. It critically analyses the achievements, the shortcomings as well as the opportunities ahead. The key challenges are highlighted and evidence-based proposals are made in order to ensure the progress of MID. The ethos and values underpinning MID are also analysed. Although this paper would not have been possible without the collaboration of a number of collaborators and stakeholders, its publication does not engage the responsibility of anyone, or any organisation, but the author himself:....Read More>>>
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