The MRT specifications are as follows:

  • Location: Bras d'Eau, N E Mauritius. Latitude: 20.14oS. Longitude: 57.73oE.
  • Observing frequency: 151.5 MHz
  • Telescope configuration: T-shaped 2048 m E-W arm and 880 m N-S arm.
  • Basic element: Helical antenna.
  • Polarization: Right Circular.
  • HPBW of helix: 60o x 60o.
  • Instrument zenith Declination: -40.14o.
  • Declination coverage: -70o to -10o.
  • Collecting area of helix: 4 m2 at 150 MHz.
  • East-West arm: 32 groups with 32 helices each.
  • North-South arm: 15 mobile trolleys each with 4 helices.
  • 1st IF frequency: 30 MHz.
  • 2st IF frequency: 10.1 MHz.
  • Instrumenatl bandwidths: 0.15, 1.0, 1.5, 3.0 MHz.
  • Digitization before correlation: 2-bit 3-level.
  • Correlation receiver: 32 x 16 complex channels.
  • No of baselines measured per day: 32 x 16.
  • Minimum and maximum baselines: 0, 1024 lambdas.
  • Time to get all spatial frequencies (baselines): 63 days.
  • Synthesized beam-width: 4' x 4.6'sec(dec. + 20.1388o).
    • Point source sensitivity for the survey: 300 mJy < (3 sigma) < 1Jy.