
Professor Hitoshi Tanaka

Graduate School of Engineering

Tohoku, Japan

Key note lecture title:
Turbulent boundary layer development under tsunami


Professor K. Murali

Department of Ocean Engineering

IIT Madras, Chennai

Key note lecture title: 
Optimised dredging and monitoring of Hoogly Estuary 

Mr Alain Donat

Director of Shipping

Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheris and Shipping

Key note lecture title: 
The Shipping Sector in Mauritius


Professor Schüttrumpf, Holger

Head of Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management

RWTH AAchen University

Aachen, NRW, Germany

Key note lecture title: 
Advances in Research on Wave run-up and wave overtopping (more specific)


Prof. Qingwei Ma

Professor of Hydrodynamics

Fellow of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (FRINA)

Director of Research Centre for Fluid-Structure Interaction
School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering
City, University of London
Northampton Square, London, EC1V 0HB
Key note lecture title :
Nonlinear interaction between wave and current

Professor Philippe Gourbesville

Université Cote d’Azur , Polytech Lab, Polytceh Nice Sophia, France

Key note lecture title:
Coastal Flood Risk Management and Flood Resilience

As ICOE2019 would like to have more number of delegates, the organizing committee has decided to extend the deadline for the submission of full paper to 17 March 2019. This applies also to researchers who have forgotten to submit abstract .