Registration/Payment Closed. 

The registration fees for foreign delegates are:

  Regular Early Bird 
Contributing Authors  USD 600    USD 550
 Delegates     USD 700 USD 600
 Student USD 400 USD 300
 Accompanying person USD 450 USD 350


Registration Fees include conference pack, pen drive, conference dinner and one technical tour. The Conference Dinner will be held on 30 July 2019.

Only those papers for which registration fee has been paid will be scheduled for presentation / included in the book of abstracts. The conference proceedings will be published online through springer. Further details may be obtained from Early bird discounts are valid till 15 April 2019. Late registrations after 15 April 2019 will be up to 100 USD more than regular registration fee.

Reduced registration fees for local students will be considered.

As ICOE2019 would like to have more number of delegates, the organizing committee has decided to extend the deadline for the submission of full paper to 17 March 2019. This applies also to researchers who have forgotten to submit abstract .