Speaker |
Affiliation |
Tentative title |
Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Federal Republic of Germany |
Proteins and their Structures at the Interface of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology |
Laboratoire de Chimie des Substances Naturelles et des Sciences des Aliments (LCSNSA) |
Identification of Volatile Compounds from Flowers and Aromatic Plants: How and Why? |
Department of Chemistry |
Combined First-principles Calculation and Neural-network Correction Approach for Heat of Formation |
Department of Chemistry, |
Department of Theoretical Studies, Institute of Molecular Science |
Exploring Life Phenomena with a Theory Featuring Chemical "Specificity" and |Physical "Universality" |
Department of Chemistry |
Adventures in Natural Product Synthesis; New Tandem Sequences for Streamlined Processes |
Department of Chemistry |
Identification of Molecular Tunnels as Passages for Unstable Intermediates in Purine Biosynthesis using X-ray Crystallography |