Accepted abstracts for oral and poster presentations will be published in the book of abstracts.
Abstracts, strictly as per the format and related to the conference topics, should be submitted using the online submission system only.
Kindly ensure that your abstract is read and approved by all co-authors before submission.
An abstract should not exceed one A4 size page.For information concerning deadline of submission, please refer to deadline page.
An oral presentation should not exceed 20 minutes including discussion.
A poster should not exceed A0 size (32.7 by 45.4 inches or 83.0 by 115.4 cm).
There will be awards for 3 best posters. Each award has a value of 200 Euros as book voucher from Springer.
An abstract may be in English or French.
Download format of abstract
CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT ABSTRACT (Abstract submission in now closed; the organising committee may consider late submission, send you request by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
All abstracts will be reviewed and corresponding authors will be informed after at least one week upon submission.